Getting good advice is extremely important for anyone in the business world. They can certainly make many of their own decisions, but they also want to learn from the good and bad decisions of other people. One entrepreneur they can learn from is Andrew Brooks, the founder and CEO of Sinclair Global. He’s been developing businesses and ventures for over a decade, and been named to the “30 under 30” list for his entrepreneurial endeavors.
When he talks about the advice he would have given to a younger version of himself, most if it is about scalability. Starting a business out small, for example, is often the way to go. But too many entrepreneurs think they need to go big right away. They jump into something that doesn’t take off the way they would have hoped, and that can cause them problems with finances, marketing, team-building, and much more. For Sinclair’s Andrew Brooks, the goal is to start small and then scale up accordingly.
Gaining A Following
When starting out, it’s important for an entrepreneur to build a following. Then they can build on that following by starting up businesses. Since they have followers, they have a built-in audience and customer base for their product or service. Brooks finds that to be a great way to create higher levels of success, since it reduces the chances of trying to jump into a large project that doesn’t have the traction it needs to succeed.
Building A Brand
With Sinclair, Andrew Brooks has shown that building a brand also comes from finding out what people really want and need from that brand. Sinclair Global is about more than just authentic streetwear as a product. It’s also about a lifestyle, and that’s how Brooks wants it to be seen. When people view is that way it goes from clothing that they can choose from to clothing they need in order to fit a particular lifestyle that’s important to them. The shift in perception matters.
Big On Communication
Sinclair’s Andrew Brooks is also big on communication. He recommends that any entrepreneur keep in constant contact with their team. By doing that, it’s easier to change and adapt when adjustments need to be made. Sometimes that can be handled faster than others, but it can’t be handled at all if no one is talking about it. Working with a team can have its positives and its challenges, but the level of communication needs to be there in everything an entrepreneur does, to improve success.
As Brooks continues to work on Sinclair and other projects, he’s constantly looking for ideas and opportunities. Every morning he works with his team on creative content, to make sure the right audience is being reached, and the right plans are in place to keep the business growing. Without that interaction and planning, it’s much more difficult for any entrepreneur to feel secure in the businesses they’re developing and their abilities for the future. But strong planning with a good team brings peace of mind.