The Cannabis industry is continually growing at a fast pace. In 2022, it was valued at USD 13.2 billion. The industry is, however, expected to grow even further at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.2% between 2023 and 2030.

Following this unprecedented growth, the competition is tougher in the cannabis industry, especially online. Therefore, if you own a CBD and cannabis business, you must put more effort into marketing to beat the competition.

Wondering how to market your cannabis business online? Here’s an extensive guide. Click here to get help from a reputable digital marketing agency in Los Angeles.

Benefits of Marketing Your CBD and Cannabis Business

CBD marketing is the process of getting your business known and attracting more potential customers to buy your products. You can do so online or via traditional methods. However, this post focuses entirely on digital marketing for your CBD business. With digital marketing, you can use various channels, including social media, websites, search engines, and email.

Here’s why you should market your cannabis business online;

Reach a wider audience

Traditional marketing is often limited to your geographic location. On the other hand, the internet gives you access to a vast and global audience. You can reach potential customers beyond your local area without any restrictions.

As more people continue to use the internet, digital marketing is and will continue to be a game changer in the cannabis and CBD industry.

Digital marketing is cost-effective

At this age, you shouldn’t spend more money marketing your CBD and cannabis business offline because you might not even get the desired results. Online marketing allows you to spread awareness about your business with little investment.

However, the costs may vary based on your strategies, business size, and competition. But the good thing is that there’s always a solution for every business and need.

Effective targeting

In most jurisdictions, CBD and cannabis products can only be sold to persons above a certain age, for instance, above 21 years. Therefore, when marketing your business or products, you want to ensure that you focus on adults above this age.

Most traditional marketing methods target the general audience. For instance, if you put an ad on TV or radio about your cannabis business or product, everyone will see it, including children.

Digital marketing allows you to target specific demographics, interests, and behaviors. This means you can tailor your messages and advertisements to reach the most relevant audience for your products.

Data and analytics

If you advertise your cannabis business or products in a newspaper or via radio, you’ll never know the number of people who see it. Therefore, you won’t measure the results of your marketing campaigns.

Online marketing platforms allow you to monitor the performance of your marketing campaigns. For instance, you can see how many people visit your website and what they search for. You can, therefore, use these data and analytics to improve your marketing strategies.

How to Market Your Cannabis and CBD Business Online

You should understand that cannabis and CBD marketing isn’t as easy as marketing other businesses or products. There are certain restrictions you need to be aware of when marketing your business online. Here’s how to market your CBD business without getting in any trouble.

Build a Professional Website

A website is essential for businesses wishing to market their products and services online. Recent studies reveal that about 71% of businesses have a website. Therefore, if you’re looking for an effective way to market your CBD and cannabis business, start by building a website. And not just any website but a professional website.

When designing your business website, ensure it is user-friendly and mobile-responsive. Remember, most potential customers will view your brand and products using mobile devices. Therefore, you want to ensure your website looks nice on every device.

Also, ensure your business website is well-secured, especially for online transactions like payments. No one will pay you online if your site is not protected.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Having a website isn’t the end of the road for your online marketing. Do you know you can have a good website that doesn’t attract customers? Remember, there are more than one billion websites on the web. So, how do people find yours? The secret is in SEO.

Search engines like Google rank business websites based on how they are optimized. Therefore, you should ensure your CBD business website is well-optimized for search engines to improve your online visibility.

Your business website should appear at least on the first page of search engine results pages (SERPs). However, those that appear among the top three get more clicks.

Search engine optimization involves various processes, including using relevant keywords and creating high-quality, informative, and engaging content to attract organic traffic.

Social Media Marketing

Today, social media has more users than ever because more people can access smartphones and the internet. Therefore, you will likely find your target audience on various social apps like Facebook and Instagram. This makes social media marketing crucial to your CBD business.

So, ensure you establish a presence on social media platforms. Also, share engaging and informative posts on your timelines to engage with your audience. This will help you build a community around your brand.

Should You Hire a CBD Advertising Agency?

You know you need help marketing your CBD business when all your strategies and tools don’t bring results. And this is where marketing CBD marketing agencies come into play. However, this isn’t the only reason to hire an advertising agency.

Marketing is not a one-time endeavor. It requires time and dedication. Unfortunately, many business owners don’t have the time to run marketing campaigns online. This is why they seek help from marketing companies.

Marketing agencies have the right expertise to handle all your digital marketing needs. They can help with website development, SEO, copywriting, and other marketing aspects.

However, not all marketing companies are ideal for your CBD business. Therefore, when looking for one, ensure you get the best CBD marketing agency. Consider factors like expertise, reputation, and specialty.

Final Thoughts

Digital marketing is challenging, especially for regulated industries and businesses like CBD and cannabis. You want to ensure you create effective marketing campaigns while adhering to the set regulations. But it’s all possible with the right tactics. Contact Canesta if you need help marketing your CBD and cannabis business.