Have you ever felt the need to have cash in a pinch but not known whether to apply for an instant loan or go for the traditional loan? These two options have distinct differences that borrowers should understand before moving forward. Choosing the right loan comes down to your unique situation and financial needs. Let’s explore some key differences between instant and traditional loans so you can make an informed decision.

What is an Instant Loan?

Instant loans provide fast access to smaller amounts of money, often deposited the same or the next day upon approval. They require little paperwork and allow borrowers with low credit to qualify. For example, you can easily apply for an IDFC FIRST Bank personal loan by filling out an application online. It offers a high rate of interest and comes along with multiple benefits.

Some common features of instant loans:

  • Very short application process, with funds available within 24 hours if approved
  • Don’t require a credit check or look at credit scores
  • Higher interest rates, IDFC FIRST Bank has an interest rate starting from around 10.75%
  • Short repayment terms (a few weeks to months)

Instant loan lenders conduct minimal financial reviews. Approval hinges on having regular income rather than good credit or ample assets. The ease of qualifying makes instant loans tempting yet risky if used irresponsibly.

Understanding Traditional Loans

Traditional loans have extended timelines for approval decisions and fund disbursement. They offer larger borrowing limits and lower rates but involve strict eligibility rules. Traditional loans suit major purchases requiring significant financing.

Some common features of traditional loans:

  • Lengthy application requiring financial documentation
  • Credit checks determining approval and loan terms
  • Lower interest rates, often under 20% APR (Annual Percentage Rate or Interest Rate)

Applicants for traditional loans undergo extensive vetting of their credit history, income, and debts. Good credit scores and debt-to-income ratios raise the odds of qualifying and securing reasonable rates. The process takes patience but enables affordable multi-year loans.

Key Differences Impacting Your Decision

Here are the basic of differences between instant loans and traditional loan:

1.   Approval Timelines

Instant loans deliver funds in 24 hours or less, while traditional loans make applicants wait days to weeks for decisions. If you urgently need funds, instant financing brings relief quickly.

2.   Borrowing Limits

Traditional loans allow borrowing thousands more dollars than instant loans. Instant loans work for smaller cash needs up to a few hundred dollars until payday. Big ticket purchases call for traditional loan maximums instead.

3.   Cost of Borrowing

Interest rates on instant loans can eclipse 400% APR, making costs balloon rapidly. Traditional loans offer single to double-digit rates for significant savings over time. Traditional lending curbs total fees if you require a larger or longer-term loan.

4.   Eligibility Ease

Those with bad credit or limited income stand better chances of qualifying for instant rather than traditional financing. Instant lenders impose few restrictions using alternative criteria for approval decisions. This further expands access to funds.

The Bottom Line

Choosing between an instant or traditional loan depends wholly on your situation. Now that you know the key contrasts, reflect on why you need funds, how quickly, and your ability to repay either option. Weighing these aspects leads to smarter borrowing choices.