Having a substantial secondary income besides your job or business is no longer unrealistic. It has become a necessity that you may now achieve easily from the comfort of your home. The skyrocketing living costs, aspirations and dreams that once were achievable with a steady job are getting challenging day by day for most. In today’s fast-paced world, it has become essential to make extra income.

However, not everyone will be able to find the time or energy to work a second job due to the challenging demands of a full-time job. The best course of action would thus be to seek chances to make money from home, like the MyFIRST Partner Programme offered by IDFC FIRST Bank. It is a referral programme for personal loans with no investment necessary and limitless earning possibilities. You may receive weekly rewards as an IDFC FIRST Bank MyFIRST Partner and make Rs 50,000 or more each month.

In this post, you can explore the various ways to start earning without any investment in your leisure time.

Freelancing App

Utilise applications for freelancing to to make extra income. These platforms may connect you with clients anywhere in the world, regardless of your profession—whether you’re a writer, graphic designer, programmer, etc. Anyone can earn a good sum of money using these apps.

Online Surveys and Reviews

Companies value your opinion and are prepared to pay for it. Online survey and review apps pay users for completing polls or submitting evaluations with money, gift cards, or discounts. It is one of the best side jobs from home.

Apps for Cashback and Rewards

Who doesn’t want to shop and save money? On both online and offline transactions, apps provide cashback. On these applications, some users can receive significant cash back on their normal purchases.

Trade in the Stock Market

Although stock trading might be a bit risky, it is an excellent method to generate money online in India. If you have been paying attention to the stock market and are familiar with its workings, you may invest your money to make more money. However, given how unpredictable the stock market can be, this might not be a good idea for beginners.

Use Earning Apps

Apps that offer referral-based income opportunities, such as the MyFIRST Partner Program from IDFC FIRST Bank, present a fantastic side income for establishing an extra revenue stream. In India, you can generate online income by referring individuals for loans through this app. The program compensates you with up to 1.5% for every loan disbursement, potentially allowing you to earn more than Rs 50,000 each month.

Notably, there is no need for any initial investment, and the earnings from your referrals are promptly deposited into your bank account every week. With the reputable backing of IDFC FIRST Bank, you can place your trust in this opportunity.


When trying to earn side income in India, you’ll discover a multitude of options that offer both flexibility and room for advancement. Nevertheless, specific opportunities may demand prior experience and qualifications. If this is a concern, you can explore referral-based apps that don’t have such prerequisites.

For instance, IDFC FIRST Bank’s MyFIRST Partner Program allows you to initiate your earnings with zero investment immediately upon app download. All you need to do is download the app, refer others, and start earning, just like the app’s 200,000+ active users throughout India!